Blockley village developed as a mill town during the 9th Century, using the reliable, spring-fed streams to power the 12 water mills later recorded in the Domesday Book. The mills were variously used for grain, timber, cider, flax, wool and silk over the years. After their boom years during the first half of the 19th Century, they went into relatively rapid decline with the collapse of the local silk trade.
Although most of the mill buildings remain, none of them retains any working machinery and all but one have been converted into domestic premises. The small, densely packed mill workers’ houses remain one of the village’s characteristic features, lining the narrow, steeply-sided valley alongside the main stream and High Street.
In the mills’ heyday, the village had over 60 shops, seven inns and four banks, as well as two piano factories and the Vulcan iron foundry and works. The village now boasts one community-owned shop and café with a part-time Post Office service, a hotel, a pub and several small business units.
Blockley Parish forms part of the boundary between the headwaters of the Rivers Thames and Severn. Significant clay deposits lie between the attractive limestone hills; springs form the main source of the several steeply-falling streams which flow through Blockley, Aston Magna and Draycott villages. By contrast, the parish village of Paxford lies on more open, level ground drained by the Knee Brook, a tributary of the River Stour. We are fortunate to have a wonderful team of Voluntary Wardens led by Nik Sandars who care for and maintain village footpaths, he is contactable via email on:
Cotswolds National Landscape

Local economy and culture
Village life is highly active across all age groups. Blockley is home to a large primary school, bowling club, sports club and grounds, a parish church and three village halls. Social and recreational clubs remain popular, including an amateur dramatic society and several choirs. It is a popular tourist destination, primarily for ramblers, as the narrow roads and limited parking make it impractical for coach-based tourism.
Three light industrial/commercial parks are also located within the parish, home to 70-80 active businesses. The business parks are at Draycott, Northcot and Northwick Park, the latter being adjacent to the attractive Northwick Park mansion and grounds. Paxford is also close to the active Northcot brickworks, which still produces high quality bricks from a local clay deposit. Aston Magna also retains some of its former timber activities.
The recent advent of broadband has enabled more people to work from home and this, combined with relatively fast train connections to Oxford and London, has encouraged more families and young professionals to settle in the parish.

Meet your local parish council
We come from several different walks of life, but we all share a passion for the local area and community. If you feel equally strongly about our parish then do consider joining our friendly group. You don't need specific expertise or knowledge, (although we will always try to put your skills to appropriate use) just bring your energy and enthusiasm!
Please browse our council team by portfolio to get in touch with the relevant councillor. Or for more
general enquiries, please email Nikki Holt, our Parish Clerk, at parishclerk@blockley.org.uk.

Jon Bryan
Finance Lead/Burial Grounds Lead/ Environmental Sustainability Committee

Thomas Bradley

Charlotte Bullock

Jez John

Chris Leach
Environmental Sustainability Committee
Youth & Rec working group

Councillors declarations of interests are held on the Cotswold District Council website: Register of Interests
Local interest groups
Blockley Brass Band
Blockley Heritage Society
Blockley Horticultural Society
Blockley Ladies Choir
Blockley Allotments
BAD Company
Blockley Sports Club
Blockley St George's Hall
Blockley Womens Institute
Blockley Open Gardens
Northwick Bowling Club
Cotswold Village Old People’s Housing
Lady Northwick Memorial Homes
North Cotswold Community Bus Association
Paxford Village Hall /Ladies Club
Draycott Mission
Blockley Blokes Choir
Blockley Xmas Tree Group
Blockley C of E Primary School
Blockley Rambling Club
Blockley Little Village Hall
Blockley Toddler Group
Cakes & Company
Blockley Educational Trust
Blockley Co-operative Association
Blockley parish photo gallery
We’re proud to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the Cotswolds. Please feel free to use these images if you’re covering the parish in the media.